What is CBD?
Like THC, CBD is a cannabinoid. Short for Cannabidiol, CBD is essentially the antonym of THC. Unlike its cannabinoid friend, CBD causes little to no psychoactive effects, while producing profound effects. Although cannabinoids were recognized by modern science in the 40’s, it wasn’t until the 60’s that the world had somewhat of an understanding about them [1].
To this day, cannabinoids like CBD are being researched behind closed doors for big pharma, while a plethora of disinformation is being spread through the airways. Cannabis has been, and always been a medicine; it been that way for thousands of years. There is a reason why this plant is illegal, and my money’s on the palliative and curative elements it holds within its makeup [2].
CBD and Cannabis
“Modern Medicine” is a billion-dollar industry and those who would take a “loss” on the creation of cures rather than the perpetuation of customers would do anything to keep that flow of power and money. Never the less, High Grade Aid is here to deliver the facts AND the fire, so here, we, go.
Cannabidiol, like THC, is produced throughout the plant’s life. However, the main concentration of CBD is produced during the flowering stage, where female plants focus their energy on providing resinous buds laden in trichomes.
This is important because the trichomes produce the most cannabinoids in comparison to the rest of the plant. It is in these trichomes where Cannabigerolic acid or CBGA is produced; the precursor to CBD’s precursor, Cannabidiolic Acid or CBDA.
Like THCA, CBDA also has to be exposed to heat to become CBD. In the past, CBD was harvested from varying Sativa strains, such as Hemp, but in minimal quantities, due to the limited availability of CBD in those strains. Breeders today have found a way to isolate and encourage specific CBD production in different strains through hybridization.
Strains like our CBD Dutch is a good example of that. It has been bred to display a 1.5:1 ratio of CBD to THC, producing a very calm but powerful blaze. CBD “highjacks” the same CB1 and CB2 receptors THC uses, overriding its signals to the brain. CBD is an antagonist, meaning, in the presence of THC will react in such a way where it reduces the psychoactivity of THC, transmuting the experience; but that isn’t all Cannabidiol can do.
Why should CBD be Important to Me?
Like we mentioned before, CBD and CBD strains are breaking new grounds. New studies are revealing just how powerful Cannabidiol can actually be when introduced to the human endocannabinoid system, or the system of cannabinoids that our bodies naturally produce.
The magic about CBD is that it can do all of the same things THC can do for users; from energy boosts to clarity of mind, pain relief to sleep aid, as well as treating symptoms such as epilepsy, diabetes, addiction, PTSD, and cancer [3]
The main difference between the two is the psychoactivity, and how its lack thereof dictates the experience. Some users report no high, while others report plenty. This part here seems subjective and relative to the dosage and the tolerance threshold of the individual. In my own experience, I didn’t “feel” the effects of CBD until I found my sweet spot or the range of dosages that work best for me.
How to find your optimal dose?
Finding my sweet spot was challenging, but it was doable. Like most users trying CBD for the first time, I had absolutely no idea how it would affect me, or what dosage to start at. For general efficiency, I tested all of the CBD products we carry. I started with the Hempflower capsules and eventually ending with the Tincture. My findings were incredible. CBD creates an experience unique to itself, producing a warmth that envelopes the body and a clear, crisp focus.
I started experimenting with the 20mg capsules, taking one, waiting an hour to see how I felt, and then taking a few minutes to diagnose how I felt in stillness and relaxation. As much as you can notice a subtle difference, I didn’t really “feel” the CBD until my dosage was that of around 120mg. Or 6 of the 20mg Hempflower capsules, tapering my way up in 2’s after I found that a single capsule didn’t produce the effects I desired. Albeit I definitely felt a bit more present.
In higher dosages, Cannabidiol became slightly narcotic, at least it did for me, but without any of the backlash. A warmth enveloped my body, tingling its way from my toes to my head and back down again, coating all of my achy joints along the way, and gently soothing my pain. I took a deep breath and felt terrific.
The sensation in my body clouded no judgment in my mind; there was clarity. I felt focused and relaxed. I had a boost of energy to keep me going as I went about the rest of my day, upbeat, pain-free, and feeling great. What I liked the most was that I was still able to get my much-needed medication, without any of the cloudiness up top.
Parting Thoughts
CBD is available in many forms and flavors at High Grade Aid. We believe in the healing power of CBD and its effectiveness for those who seek effective, non-psychoactive medication. After my own trials with Cannabidiol, it is my go-to medicine for when I am on the go, keeping me feeling crisp, clear, and medicated.
1) Cannabidiol, a Cannabis sativa constituent, as an antipsychotic drug
2) Big Pharma Wants a Monopoly On One of Weed’s Key Medicinal Compounds